Lakka 2.1 RC5 released with improved Dolphin support and experimental ASUS TinkerBoard support

Posted on 2017-10-11 by kivutar

We are proud to announce the release of Lakka 2.1 RC5!

This version required a lot of teamwork. We merged in LibreELEC 8.2 Bêta changes, updated RetroArch, and updated all the emulators and other libretro cores.

Ntemis added support for some Rockchip boards, including the ASUS Tinkerboard. These new images are still experimental.

You can download the builds from



Known issues

Future plans

Installing or upgrading

You can upgrade from Lakka 2.0 or 2.1 by dropping the img.gz into the Update folder and rebooting.

Thank you all!